Sindhi Topi (D:16 cm)
Sindhi Topi
- It’s purely handmade topi
- Commonly used in Sindh and Baluchistan.
- Comfortable to wear.
- Colorful design to look attractive.
- Available in different sizes.
- This nagina cap has all are shining stone on top and side which make it unique and wonderful.
6 in stock
The sindhi cap is weaved with complicated mathematical plans with little bits of mirrors or gemstones sewed into it. Sindhi topi is a nearby to the region of Sindh. Circular,with a little part pattern in the front which shows with temple. Being worn by the Sindhi men in the Sindh region of Pakistan is viewed as compulsory. High quality, reflect kaleidoscopic weaving work conventional social cap. Treasure Pakistan gives extensive variety of delightful beautiful social Sindhi cap, frequently given as an image of affection and solidarity.
Muhammad Nazir Khan –
These handmade Multicolored embroidered work topi are looks outstanding. These Topi are also know as Pakistani Cultural. Available in different colors & sizes.